Concept Design & What We Heard

A big thank you to our neighbours and the stakeholders who came out to our in-person community meeting on June 20, 2022. We had over 30 community members and stakeholders at our first community update meeting. During this meeting we reviewed the community feedback to date on our preliminary project objectives*, shared the emerging concept designs, and answered attendee questions.

*Please note that the project objectives survey will remain open for the next few weeks so that all attendees have the opportunity to participate.

Concept Design

BDP Quadrangle presented their concept design for a tall building that connects to the ravine lands through an “urban porch” outdoor amenity area, an animated streetfront that includes flexible social enterprise and commercial spaces down the existing laneway, and unique architectural materials and details.

The architects envision an articulated tall building with a distinctive massing, which could be achieved by outdoor amenity areas dispersed through the building. They are also exploring a rooftop amenity area that would be accessible for all building residents.

This is the preliminary ground floor plan, which includes a large non-residential component at grade fronting both Weston Road and the laneway, a residential lobby, garbage and recycling room and vehicular access to the parking ramp and parking. The non-residential area fronts onto a public laneway which creates opportunities to break up this space into smaller spaces to support social enterprise and start-up businesses.

Inspirational precedents for laneway animation during the warmer spring, summer, and fall months.

We look forward to providing further updates once the concept design is finalized.

What We Heard

Following our team’s presentation, we answered questions and received comments from the attendees. The focus of most questions was public realm improvements, pride of place, inclusiveness and public safety. We appreciate everyone’s participation and helpful discussion. If you have any questions or comments for the team, please send them to us at

Public Realm

Community members are eager for immediate investment in the Weston Road right-of-way including planters, street trees, and other beautification projects.

As you may have noticed, we have invested in new murals on 1798-1804 Weston Road to brighten up the spaces. We have also secured the rear yard, which has prevented folks from trespassing, illegal dumping, and other unwelcome activities.

In the ultimate condition, we anticipate that the frontages in front of the proposed development will be beautified, landscaped and increased in area. Our design ensures that there will be a variety of uses at grade generating pedestrian traffic throughout the day and “eyes on the street”.

Pride of Place

Castlepoint is proud to work with community members and invest in Weston. That is why we have three projects in the community including Weston Park, 1830-1844 Weston Road, and this project. Our projects will transform Weston Road south of Lawrence Avenue. Our design teams are designing beautiful, interesting buildings that will contribute to the streetscape and pride of place. We are excited to continue working on the concept design for this project, and show the community our progress later this year.


Community members asked questions regarding the tenure of the future buildings, opportunities to support local business enterprise and job creation. We are committed to create a range of unit types to support families, seniors and other members of the community . We have not confirmed at this early stage regarding the tenure and specifically if we will be introducing some rental housing. We are committed to support animated ground floor uses, which will protect for opportunities for social enterprise/small businesses, urban format grocery store and spaces for community partners.

June 21, 2022

Public Safety

Several attendees spoke to the need to improve public safety in the community including providing youth programming, providing local employment opportunities, and by changing the public perception of Weston held by those who live outside the community. Castlepoint is committed to supporting Frontlines, which is a local youth organization that provides safe spaces for youth to learn and to advance employment skills. We are protecting for a community space in our development at 1830-1844 Weston Road. We are also protecting for a variety of sizes of commercial/retail uses at grade in order to ensure an active frontage along Weston Road as well as in the laneway along the south side of the property. We investigate the possibility of requiring local hiring by our contractors as part of our construction crews once we further along in the approvals process. Castlepoint invests in Weston because we believe Weston is as a great neighbourhood with an engaged community, diverse cultural assets, and fantastic amenities including transit and green open spaces. We are confident that the rest of Toronto will see what we see, which has been here all along, when our first development is realized.

Again, we thank everyone for their participation! You are always welcome to send us your comments and feedback


Community Consultation Meeting


Community Update Meeting #1