We would love to hear from you!


This live webpage includes all the comments and questions received to date and our team’s responses and status of how and when those comments will be addressed. It will be updated on a regular basis.

You are welcome to email us at any time at 1800weston@castlepointnuma.com

*Please note that any non-constructive/inappropriate comments - for example, using profanity or derogatory language - will not be considered and will be deleted. Some comments received may be edited for length and clarity.

We have tried our best to organize the feedback received by theme. Please see click on themes below.

Project Design Planning Process Community

Project Design

Date comment/feedback received: May 14, 2022
Status of comment/feedback: Ongoing

Q: What is the proposed tenure for this project?

A: We are currently exploring both ownership and rental models for this project. 

Date comment/feedback received: June 20, 2022
Status of comment/feedback: Ongoing

Q: What is the proposed tenure? In my opinion, you should eliminate rental altogether as there are numerous other rental buildings in the area.

A: We are still early in the design process and have not confirmed tenure of the residential buildings. We know that Castlepoint will continue to own the commercial spaces and will lease to potential tenants.

Date comment/feedback received: June 20, 2022
Status of comment/feedback: Ongoing

Q: Can this project improve pedestrian connections to the Humber River?

A: There may be an opportunity to connect to Hickory Tree Road from the project site. However, this would require cooperation from the buildings to the rear of our site. We are exploring and protecting for this potential opportunity.

Date comment/feedback received: June 20, 2022
Status of comment/feedback: Resolved

Q: Will better boulevard trees be planted along Weston Road in front of this development?
Public realm enhancement is a top priority for Weston as a designated Neighbourhood Improvement Area. I'd like to see wider sidewalks, nicer pavements, street trees in Silva cells with irrigation, buried utilities, and more attractive architecture with art integrated into the structure of the replacement buildings.

We want to beautify the public realm by having bright welcoming safe spaces to travel and enjoy some plants, trees and maybe a water feature.

A: We support increasing the tree canopy in Toronto; however, the design of the public streetscape is to the discretion of the City of Toronto. The Weston Business Improvement Association commissioned a Streetscape Master Plan in 2021, which lays out their vision for the future design of the public realm along Weston Road. We will be looking to introduce as many trees as possible along Weston Road and across our site.

Date comment/feedback received: June 20, 2022
Status of comment/feedback: Resolved

Q: This area needs the help with a building that sets the right direction and we should not be ok with standard boring boxes - it should be special and something everyone looks to for examples of how to build a tower!

A: Agreed! That is why we have brought on an all-star design team so that our proposed development will be one of architectural excellence. We will share the design updates as the design evolves so you can provide any additional feedback.

Date comment/feedback received: June 20, 2022
Status of comment/feedback: Resolved

Q: Will the redevelopment assist with widening bike lanes along Weston Road? We want an on-road commuter cycling connection (protected bike lanes on Weston Road) between the Weston and Mount Dennis MTAs and neighbourhood business districts. We need increased pedestrian and cyclist safety and reduced traffic speeds around the intersection of Weston and Lawrence W.

A: We support increasing opportunities for active transportation and increasing public safety measures; however, the design of the public right-of-ways and streets is to the discretion of the City of Toronto.

Date comment/feedback received: June 20, 2022
Status of comment/feedback: Ongoing

Q: Will there be storage for bicycles and e-bikes as part of this development? Furthermore, will there be a bikeshare station? The existing bikeshare stations always seem to be empty.

A: Yes, there will absolutely be storage for bicycles in the proposed development! As per the Toronto Green Standards requirements, we will introducing indoor, protected bicycle parking spaces with the ground floor and/or P1 level of parking for both residents and visitors of the building. Our design team will review the request for inclusion for e-bike storage. While e-bikes have become more popular recently, we have not previously designed specific storage and charging stations for them in our developments.

It is our understanding that bike share stations need to be located outside on publicly owned lands. We would support a bikeshare station on the sidewalk along Weston Road.

Date comment/feedback received: June 20, 2022
Status of comment/feedback: Ongoing

Q: Will large, upscale penthouses be included as part of the design?

A: We will be introducing residential units on the upper levels of the building and are targeting more 2 and 3 bedrooms in this location. The details of the proposed design – including the number of bedrooms and unit sizes – will be determined in this concept design stage and will be further refined through the design process. It is important to notes that we are exploring the potential for a rooftop amenity area, which would be accessible to all residents of the building and their guests.

Date comment/feedback received: June 20, 2022
Status of comment/feedback: Resolved

Q: Will there be an opportunity for rooftop community gardens?

A: Our design team is exploring the opportunities for rooftop amenity areas, including potential gardening areas. As private residential building amenities, these amenities would only be accessible to residents of the building.

Date comment/feedback received: June 20, 2022
Status of comment/feedback: Ongoing

Q: We need retail opportunities of different sizes, including opportunities for grocers. Will these be incorporated in to the proposed development?

A:Yes, we are protecting for commercial/retail spaces of various sizes as part of the proposed development. Three of our project objectives shared with the community at the very beginning of this project back in May 2022 include:

  • Create a range of commercial/retail opportunities along Weston Road;

  • Protect for smaller, flexible sized units that may be used for social;

    enterprise/start-ups; and

  • Protect for larger retail units that can accommodate grocery uses.

Project objectives are what we use as the measuring stick to determine if we are successfully achieving what we set out to do. We will return to these project objectives regularly throughout the design process.

Date comment/feedback received: June 20, 2022
Status of comment/feedback: Resolved

Q: I live in the area and believe the full redevelopment of Weston Road is in the best interest of all who live in the area.

A: We are honoured to be part of the change that is transforming Weston Road. That said, there are many existing aspects of Weston Road that we are seeking to preserve including small, flexible commercial/retail/community spaces for companies and organizations to thrive and grow. We look forward to ongoing communications with the community.

Date comment/feedback received: June 20, 2022
Status of comment/feedback: Resolved

Q: The Weston/Lawrence West area desperately needs a full-size grocery store (No Frills, Freshco). Is that something that can be incorporated into the proposed development?

A: This is a great suggestion; however, due to the loading, access, and other technical requirements a grocer cannot be incorporated into this proposed development. That said, we are exploring and protecting for the possibility of an ‘urban format’ grocer on our development at 1828-1844 Weston Road.

Date comment/feedback received: June 20, 2022
Status of comment/feedback: Ongoing

Q: Will there be affordable housing provided on this site?

A: We acknowledge it is very important to provide a variety of different types and tenures of housing. We are early in the process and plan to work with the City and community to identify the community benefits package, which may include affordable housing, through the municipal approvals process.

We recognize that the City of Toronto has recently updated its definition of affordable housing and are exploring strategies across the City to increase the delivery of affordable housing. We look forward to reviewing as part of the larger discussion associated with the community benefits identified as part of this redevelopment.

Date comment/feedback received: June 20, 2022
Status of comment/feedback: Ongoing

Q: What safety features will be incorporated into this design?

A: This development will make a positive contribution to Weston by providing more “eyes on the street” and generate pedestrian traffic on this stretch of Weston Road. Entrances will be fronting Weston Road and we will be ensuring that proper lighting is incorporated into the design.

Date comment/feedback received: June 20, 2022
Status of comment/feedback: Resolved

Q: Are there opportunities for outdoor seasonal dining?

A: We will be including outdoor amenity areas for residents of this building and will be incorporating outdoor dining areas into the design.

Date comment/feedback received: June 20, 2022
Status of comment/feedback: Ongoing

Q: Anything you can do to revitalize Weston Road by preserving what's left of its historic character but not being a slave to it (stylish, sensitive and progressive architecture is good) would be much appreciated - Roncesvalles Avenue and Weston's Artscape area are great examples.

A: We are sensitive to the character of Weston Road and are exploring how we can incorporate some cues into the design i.e. podium heights and the use of brick in the lower levels of the building.

Date comment/feedback received: June 20, 2022
Status of comment/feedback: Resolved

Q: Is it possible to incorporate an indoor pool in this development?

A: Unfortunately there is not sufficient area in the building to accommodate an indoor pool as part of the amenity areas for the residents of this building.

Date comment/feedback received: June 20, 2022
Status of comment/feedback: Resolved

Q: Street parking is already an issue in the community and additional building units will make it worse, especially with street side parking. Will you be providing above ground paid parking for retailers? Pay for use parking will prevent company trucks and other people from moving their vehicles from one side to the other depending on the time of day to avoid fines.

A: Sufficient parking for residents, visitors and on-site commercial uses will be incorporated into this development project. As part of our future application to the City, we must include a technical transportation and parking study that demonstrates that we will be accommodating appropriate parking, loading and general circulation patterns to service this building. This report will be available on this project website and the City of Toronto development portal system when completed.

Planning Process

Date comment/feedback received: May 14, 2022
Status of comment/feedback: Resolved

Q: What is an Official Plan Amendment, Rezoning, and Site Plan Approval (“SPA”) application?

A: An Official Plan is a high-level document that municipalities use to lay out their overarching vision of development for the community. Zoning regulations are more detailed and technical rules that are intended to implement the broader policies set out in the Official Plan. Zoning by-laws provide specific criteria regarding the development context such as permitted uses, built form, density, parking and phasing.

An Official Plan Amendment is required to revise the high-level policies in-force for the specific area on the development site. A rezoning application is required in order to update the existing, in-force zoning.

The building design details are secured through the separate Site Plan Approval (“SPA”) process. A SPA submission will describe details details such as materiality, fenestration patterns, and landscape plantings.

Date comment/feedback received: May 14, 2022
Status of comment/feedback: Ongoing

Q: Where is the project in the planning process?

A: We are at the very beginning of the conceptual design phase. Once we have a concept design and circulated it to the community and stakeholders for their feedback, we will request a pre-application consultation meeting with the City of Toronto to obtain the checklist of technical requirements. Once we have the checklist in hand, we will bring additional technical consultants on board and begin preparing materials for an Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning applications.

Date comment/feedback received: June 20, 2022
Status of comment/feedback: Resolved

Q: I suggest the following project objective “reinvigorate Weston as a neighbourhood that feels like a village feel where people are friendly and you can walk to everything you need.” Space for a nice, smallish grocery store would be GREAT but big box retail should not be considered. Ideally the Dollar Store further north on Weston would be turned back into a grocery store.

A: This is a great suggestion. We hope that our proposed development will assist with revitalizing Weston Village by providing new commercial/retail spaces. As mentioned, we are protecting for a variety of commercial/retail unit sizes including the opportunity for a small grocer on one of our development sites on Weston Road. Our redevelopment will improve walkability in the neighbourhood by not only providing new commercial/retail spaces, but also upgrading the public sidewalk condition along our development site’s frontage.

Date comment/feedback received: June 20, 2022
Status of comment/feedback: Resolved

Q: I’m just learning about this project so quite a few terms in this survey need better definition.

A: We have done our best to use less technical language throughout the project website and in our communications; however, we understand that there is some technical jargon that may be unfamiliar. We will do our best to provide definitions. If there is a term that requires further explanation, please send us an email and we will provide you with additional information.


Date comment/feedback received: May 14, 2022
Status of comment/feedback: Ongoing

Q: What will happen with the properties in the interim?

A: While the project is going through the approvals process, we anticipate that will the buildings will be tenanted. In the event that they become empty, we will find interim uses for them and ensure that the storefronts actively contribute to a pleasant streetscape.


Date comment/feedback received: May 14, 2022
Status of comment/feedback: Ongoing

Q: What will happen with Frontlines when the property becomes a construction site?

A: Castlepoint is a strong supporter of Frontlines. When their previous rental building was damaged in a storm in the spring of 2020, Councillor Nunizata asked us if there was anything we could do assist in finding them a temporary location. We worked quickly to move them into our property at 1798 Weston Road, and invested in additional upgrades to the property. These upgrades – including cleaning up and securing the rear yard, building out a restaurant quality catering kitchen, etc. – enabled Frontlines to realize many of its programming ambitions. Castlepoint will assist Frontlines well in advance of the initiation of the construction program to ensure that they have a suitable new location to continue their vital programming. 

Date comment/feedback received: June 20, 2022
Status of comment/feedback: Resolved

Q: Community members want an on-road commuter cycling connection (protected bike lanes on Weston Road) between the Weston and Mount Dennis MTAs and neighbourhood business districts. This would help increase pedestrian and cyclist safety. We also want traffic speeds reduced around the intersection of Weston and Lawrence W.

A: We support increasing safety measures to reach Vision Zero, the City of Toronto’s effort to reduce vehicle-pedestrian fatalities to zero. Traffic speeds and the design of public streets are to discretion of the City of Toronto.

Date comment/feedback received: June 20, 2022
Status of comment/feedback: Ongoing

Q: Developers in Weston should involve Toronto Community Benefits programming for local construction staffing. Is that something that will be a part of this development?

A: The City of Toronto Community Benefits Framework, which addresses more inclusive recruitment and placement activities, is typically for large scale redevelopment and infrastructure projects ie. Rexdale-Woodbine Casino, Regent Park redevelopment, etc. That said, we will seek opportunities to support the community through the provision of opportunities such as the creation of flexible commercial/retail/social enterprise spaces that support the local economy and ‘main street’ experience of Weston Road. Further, we will explore local construction apprenticeship opportunities with our construction manager when they are engaged.

Date comment/feedback received: June 20, 2022
Status of comment/feedback: Resolved

Q: We need a safer community for families to grow. How will this development improve community safety?

A: This development will make a positive contribution to the streetscape experience through the provision of at-grade commercial/retail spaces that will provide “eyes on the street” and generate pedestrian traffic on this stretch of Weston Road. Furthermore, we will be providing a range of residential unit types to support families and the larger community.

Date comment/feedback received: June 20, 2022
Status of comment/feedback: Resolved

Q: How will this development support aging seniors?

A: Seniors are an important part of every community. This development will be designed in accordance with the Accessibility for Ontario with Disabilities Act (“AODA”) in order to ensure universal accessibility for all community members.

Date comment/feedback received: June 20, 2022
Status of comment/feedback: Resolved

Q: Can this development provide a public play area for children?

A: This proposed development does not anticipate incorporating a publicly accessible play area.

Date comment/feedback received: June 20, 2022
Status of comment/feedback: Resolved

Q: How will the proposed development clean up and eliminate loitering in front and directly related to the small businesses that currently occupy the retail spaces?

A: We believe that this development will support positive change along Weston Road. We want to create commercial spaces along the street that attracts people in a safe manner.

Share your thoughts


We welcome your thoughts and questions throughout the project! Please note that any inappropriate comments - for example, using profanity or derogatory language - are not acceptable nor will be accepted into our comment summary.

You are also welcome to email us at 1798weston@castlepointnuma.com at your convenience.